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It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor they may be recording the lectures due to their disability. Conditions of the agreement: Lectures recorded for this reason may not be shared with other people without the consent of the lecturer. Recording of lectures or class presentations is solely authorized for the academic purposes of this individual. Recordings, course materials, and lecture notes may not be shared with other students, exchanged, or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any other purpose other than study by the student named above. Permission to allow the recording is not a transfer of any copyrights in the recording. The recording may not be reproduced or uploaded to publicly accessible web environments. Public distribution of such materials may constitute copyright infringement in violation of federal or state law, or College policy. Violation of this agreement may subject a student to disciplinary action by the college. The instructor may inform students in the class as well as guest speakers that permission was granted for audio recording to occur. The student using the modification will not be identified or singled out. The instructor may request the recording device be turned off during class discussions as long as non-disabled students in class are likewise prohibited from taking notes during discussions. Faculty need to communicate this policy to the class in a way that does not identify the student. Student Name (Print) _____________________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________________________ I acknowledge I have read, or have had read to me, and understand the conditions of this agreement. A recipient may not impose upon handicapped students other rules, such as the prohibition of tape recorders in classrooms or of dog guides in campus buildings that have the effect of limiting the participation of handicapped students in the recipient's education program or activity. In order to allow a student with a disability the use of an effective aid and, at the same time, protect the instructor, the institution may require the student to sign an agreement so as not to infringe on a potential copyright or to limit freedom of speech. The Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/auxaids.html One Alpha Drive ( Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2298 Phone: (717) 361-1127 ( Fax: (717) 361-1556 ( www.etown.edu/offices/disability Center for Student Success Academic Disability Learning Writing International Student Advising Services Services Wing Student Services Transition Programs j ^ } ~ 2 ; ; ӻӪweTCT hhq]OJQJ^JmH sH hhGOJQJ^JmH sH #hq]hq]5OJQJ^JmH sH hq]hq]OJQJ^JmH sH hhGiOJQJ^JmH sH hh=OJQJ^JmH sH hh1OJQJ^JmH sH .hq]hO\5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH .hq]h15CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (hLro5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH _ ` } ~ Y ; BN}$a$ [$\$gd1gd1 x]^xgdq] & F]gdq] & F]gd1gd1 H@&gdLro FkS>)>(hhYCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hh1CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .hhY6CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH .hh16CJOJQJ]^JaJmH sH ,hh10JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH )hh1B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&&&#h3}Khq]5OJQJ^JmH sH hq]OJQJ^JmH sH #hhq]6OJQJ^JmH sH hhq]OJQJ^JmH sH h1OJQJ^JmH sH FGJMN^_} ̷ukug^gODOhhCJaJhhB*CJaJphh SQ5CJ\h SQh0COJQJ^Jh{YUOJQJ^JhAOJQJ^J jlh SQCJOJQJ^Jh SQOJQJ^J(h, h SQCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h, hUaCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hhUaCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH <jhh SQ5B*CJOJQJUaJmHnHphuS [$\$gd1$ hpa$gd cjr̽vrnY(h, h SQCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH h3h SQhx}kh SQ6CJ]aJh{h56CJ]aJhhB*CJaJphhB*CJaJphhthB*CJaJphhhB*CJaJphhCJaJhhCJaJ h: h5B*CJaJphh: hB*CJaJph8PP&P1/ =!"#$P% `!!R .Z=q9dATp!xŚwEAr!#0d$I3s!s A@f$ euWtqY=3{Η$ vE$oTT^ŵRڨ ژ+@~nSSy=yď&T΍xHU2P^ZMhuQ):ԗOJs9!mt)d-#dL2 e!CJ'9)m+?pzG]i)VZA:hy FўmVwlCZKNj] 6Ri;t"%&lRJM[, m4 vJ;$vR%hP/#쑌2іd-muQ6Fjsle}mE[;;n-uiwݷRaO,%RZ@-,x=˚?8RM_Ւ"-LWQZ6 :h:Z&(X6j*$OpIr'%kpP;$uN+DL&!l: k+Ʋ2#[MheU4w륾Vkoo~Mvkdv@QYbm;#kl+ʇ&-SBZX6hyc+^Jzu %[^/=cGcQvE'n^O0Ŗ[ emKe2sYeԲY}_qY-fTkz{"aXRCnIb_mCoc"?E^ʷzBj\rB?#]Vy_7z +u,ֵ2UW`}G:*i̷+Ee<RMvr>eܕ(%劜 =#ܔ97K#dl?d37wS˝Y~nxw5|s|`4JrJx++s,e5ZAܷxl|I,0/kS"C?8#ER<'KW$ӪAF՚AU4ҺA{?Ck[˜=僛܊Z$r,kaA!nWiKT_dMr;Y/;o,چهM64G̴HK^g}MU-.2uؿ:,kɂ.c̖۞?+ -hK~0Sk#tnAcl(XF$e/R=NwBpY^`%_T2s$m0>BX?ٺwNfrH mUegJpˋ{IYaκ0gR'Y܂-MBtg͵Cϴ:4Q&sK mQ2vK/bF{G؛4Gdb $:"JwֆL~'?&ўsF";՗IEhߪ&LI\LIe*ո94n5#EK/&d jL7,DZ˻DH=+5#*ٮܗ$p]%w1X 99Fp{kni u7;9'CId9MJ{Y#-}iĭCv=$w{)%Iខ]hA)5?:C s?FK'Z,^(U_H2ER݆J'-ltVHP2h;vMfڗ2(:qg=3MlSܣ7bN< '=(A|㨡'qc* @|nF+lm}@v_YJv[in1d˲Zw_ɨz|vnf7I6-~$}GvFOvvv!mnu^d 4&yݒWgd?M.;\9ݎmFbf?$=gԈ%#-양&OqeIX2 q͆Cɳf~RIf!vAh;LUuDb oPdM& x\]rĚg]R?*)f/.΄o[:c4yh* i )4xM3AԜT[Y/i0V(ĚBX0|h2Ib8(kXq^_>?a%;߬*}Z5Pv]h q;{MXTchPAf J~uWX}{ J{^Wث4{fMi֖O9U~eг46,5%vI@zgf< g%PTa>0a9zճt<9*q/!5W0_#,O@I8q+f L䞅ܳ8gm"1A`Aa>?bMO/ޑؽgЇ X0L,n65`Y |g"4| ïGC:'I5!t䚁Doxk7F!#?{-#op{?~zޕ%'g`fGh#8rO q1vB }[ǜYVcn56Zù徿G\_Fg[;s^!GE]}d4g[y<ϳyd9 g93 ;>([8rfv sFG)3Sќiv9 A߇NA&lDȵ6C6c-ȵ NڅM8>㥓7JƏy?&s b,ZZa7-)xn[<[c~փ]Wj%N~` a֑P^lCd$a6Hޅ@DI|'1#1R#7X Hm"olSqҖHK深2yLS jȹsA7^%x}v6/"dV*wx dVmOYp&ySxOe|:H86˄?Bs-*l) U yscw,@X!8add=eډ_{f!ȸI{ `l%zdFZ#`0 L6MV`9gg,.sτ>)̛mƳf,QX`u6 o_}%s cz"tlёUzӎ֕NסtyG[ _sY͐<`|:<3i4D@i.MU@r[AҠpMۡ&cձq5VÖu 1VgJGhȜmڰ֡7#Atgp]xͷ={-"$gs?J[N!{ ^J7y$]t @/TI"]"/Xni3:J=kK*~8~Lڅ=$w":YFy[r\fjY.elŲIސ:9g*;eyrc M9>@l'e{dGVNx6XXXN^䆬hov9ˎ'A3!]r~%ȗwmY)>#pyظq\RW ֹ\oamw]~KwYs[R v|ͥ6 #tDȢR C ȇ7G-ûJn"~^k~"^[PRYc$aœA<:~$+#Y5*''#Z'qC =fsf`&#Fdd Gb-Ocw^ZZWk=e6XFkS\ 2\k'bIo c|4xqk&0@택\tZoX4fnl];%%ׅg=xgdؤ6HZq퐩#u 3cFoʼo>@7x}idl 뷢iKDAo "+a|(: gH֍He|c`dȾٿ/rB'I9T e?cSi24gv>8Cdʽ蹓| ~|rLoRa-f֬^+9ӕ*{5& ͣ?; %ܛj֠%hA9UQ3x4ro#.>.GqZQs8n9}> 6`#v Ki/6+o>o}Ryzz:vHQd1;E/@+oRƶI)*%@1" )d`ÌX5)j7X s>㥳W,3[֮*4'%ҦLȖގ<+48OchWq ^7{ $| 0V.XpiƎb=`'rm9eAFl*] MtJo˩mU{[/e Hi'#%&6{ֆm`}9ޠVʆba`:l0ydIkeA)Ph2ϡm:>hiPr ;H葌Gzkix5k z!ooUx×"AWyEessqXV rd\X}7Kc{nkvQ9q3XG h ᷀y5[ }!dqAW%%~%~%>557'qSx}nǵA}JZ +fwY岞oVٺY8c鬳ZY knɭ%|@+XR~>/l%~UUb~Z ƋY~ r1E˖YJoKD25М~k =c,1r'ۓ- 3w_zY,d&L&3$})rL&s&㭍Chl?Һpy Ы5ֈ^#4hESƚV[8 6&:h^<[YN(i8 ; >ag9s9Nr8;4Mהj fފ]Z;M?϶:mY.ר(S95zh`H=*:TL5Z1*TK'Ȁ'ZNHU=!ѼJ=(u/$n+̣"Lv[uRǴ~ 4JkҺ[_ZX7i]udUv/$ͦAKyt׵;:[{LӵN:F`ZC@ NsHX_koB{]xކ9{}lH*d2vQy 9ʯQh}츦ze}w׹է't߸~րlԧG%Y6P_CTGBs1=%د73_,= /:x~hvc+GeGv]B:9k$Xohz9=r8F$(8},Ff\?x;Zhmv[m>>KܜдŢ(QǨW٧.ܱh܏,(̾5׳ċč3< N(E5O+;_i}Cs%"#9#9hgɚ(Y,1'S\;$gL2</#n:7X6=@ЂHD2:PHDZә;K}/x;YB:'_H!ڄ3sh6=@h!_A{Gh7v=VLLq O&Ow!! 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When the modification includes       2 A`0 recordi 2 Aj0 ng a lecture, class, or activity, the student must have a conversation with each professor regarding the u   2 A0 se   /2 R`0 of this modification and   2 R0   2 RZ0 must sign a statement attesting to their understanding of the consequences for violations    %2 b`0 of this agreement   2 b0 .  2 b0   2 b 0 For the purpo 2 bT0 se of the agreement, a recording shall consist of: an audio replication recorded on    2 r`s0 devices including, but not limited to, audio recorders, cellular phones, MP3 players, computers and other handheld     @"Calibri------ 22 `0 devices that record sound.  2 0  --- 82 0 It is the responsibility of th a2 90 e student to notify the instructor they may be recording   --- C2 `%0 the lectures due to their disability.---  2 0     2 `0    52 `0 Conditions of the agreement:   2 0     2 `0   @Symbol---@"Arial---------  2 h0 ---  2 n0  --- O2 -0 Lectures recorded for this reason may not be   12 w0 shared with other people   42 0 without the consent of the   0'' =2 !0 lecturer. Recording of lectures o V2 .20 r class presentations is solely authorized for the  2 /0   2 30 academic   2 h0   %2 j0 purposes of this   0'' 2  0 individual.  2 0    0''------  2 h0 ---  2 n0  --- 2 e0 Recordings, course materials, and lecture notes may not be shared with other students, exchanged, or      0'' n2 B0 distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation, or for any    D2 &0 other purpose other than study by the   0'' )2 '0 student named above.   2 '0    0''------  2 7h0 ---  2 7n0  --- 2 7j0 Permission to allow the recording is not a transfer of any copyrights in the recording. The recording may      0'' t2 HF0 not be reproduced or uploaded to publicly accessible web environments.    2 H 0    0''---  2 Xh0 ---  2 Xn0  --- )2 X0 Public distribution  2 XY0 of such materials may constitute copyright infringement in violation of federal or state      0'' 2 i`0 law, or College policy. Violation of this agreement may subject a student to disciplinary action     2 i~0   2 i0 by the   0''  2 y0 c 2 y0 ollege  2 y0 .  2 y0    0''@"Calibri---------  2 h0 ---  2 n0  --- "2 0 The instructor --- 2  0 may inform  ---  2  0   52 0 students in the class as wel  Y2 40 l as guest speakers that permission was granted for     0'' 2 c0 audio recording to occur. The student using the modification will not be identified or singled out.    2 0    0''------  2 h0 ---  2 n0  --- 2 e0 The instructor may request the recording device be turned off during class discussions as long as non   2 0 -  0'' 2 0 di 2 h0 sabled students in class are likewise prohibited from taking notes during discussions. Faculty need to     0'' 2 R0 communicate this policy to the class in a way that does not identify the student.     2 40    0''  2 h0   --- n2 hB0 Student Name (Print) _____________________________________________    2 0     2 h0    m2 hA0 Student Signature _______________________________________________  2 0    2 he0 I acknowledge I have read, or have had read to me, and understand the conditions of this agreement.      2 0   --------- &&& 2 4`0 --- 2 4cW0 A recipient may not impose upon handicapped students other rules, such as the prohibiti   /2 4?0 on of tape recorders in   2 E`r0 classrooms or of dog guides in campus buildings that have the effect of limiting the participation of handicapped      b2 U`:0 students in the recipient's education program or activity.  2 U0   b2 U:0 In order to allow a student with a disability the use of a   2 U0 n   2 e`p0 effective aid and, at the same time, protect the instructor, the institution may require the student to sign an      2 u`X0 agreement so as not to infringe on a potential copyright or to limit freedom of speech.     2 u20   --- X2 `30 The Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights   2 u0   2 z 0   @"Calibri------ d2 `;0 http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/auxaids.html   2 0  --- 2 0    2 0   --.  @"Calibri- - 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