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Center for Community and Civic Engagement

Day of Service

A Day to Give Back

½ûÂþÌìÌÃ’s annual Day of Service is held each spring in March. This event gives the ½ûÂþÌìÌà community the chance to spend the day volunteering in their communities, addressing issues close-to-home and across the nation. The Center for Community and Civic Engagement coordinates the volunteer work for this day of engagement, allowing students, alumni, faculty, and staff to give back to the local community.

Past Day of Service Events

Day of Service 2024

Day of Service 2024

A total of 227 participants signed up for one to four shifts throughout the day, providing flexibility for students with different class schedules. This year, participants packed nearly 46,000 meals for families in need in partnership with Unto, a nonprofit dedicated to providing essential resources to those in need globally.

Day of Service 2023

Day of Service 2023

In 2023, the ½ûÂþÌìÌà community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members, came together to create over 200 blankets that were donated to the James Biever Police-Community Alliance to comfort children being transported in police cars. The CCCE also partnered with Unto, Church World Service, Bethesda Mission, and The Joshua Group to assemble 1,500 school supply kits.

Day of Service 2022

Day of Service 2022

In 2022, participants packed more than 46,000 rice and lentil meals for refugee families experiencing food insecurity. Partnering with Unto, a local humanitarian organization, the College coordinated this impactful project, which provided meals for 68 families for a month.